What Systems Are In QuickBooks®?
QuickBooks® Accounts Receivable has 3 types of Invoicing
1 - Progressive Invoicing (pulling information from an estimate in % or etc.)
2 - Time and Cost Invoicing
3 - Straight Invoicing
QuickBooks® Sales Receipts
It enables you to track Sales paid at the same time.
QuickBooks® Job-Costing and Time Tracking
Being able to Bid a job with confidence and assurance that the job will be profitable. This will put your stress level down to a minimum.
QuickBooks® has over 155 different Reports and the reports can be tailored to match your needs.
QuickBooks® Budgeting System is Excellent.
You will know what % of the job is complete and in what areas you are over or under budget.
QuickBooks® Payroll System
Is considered simple and easy to learn and has more features than some custom made packages some pay thousands of dollars for.
1. Processes 941 Quarterly Reports
2. Figures Tax Liabilities
3. Processes 940 Report
4. Processes W'2s, W3
5. Processes WH3 (depending on enhanced payroll features)
6. Processes UC1, UC5 (depending on enhanced payroll features)
QuickBooks® Credit Card System
Gives you the ability to track credit card charges, payment and reconciling.
QuickBooks® Sales Tax System
Gives you the ability to track and pay sales tax accurately
QuickBooks® Inventory System
Gives you the ability to manage inventory on a small scale with small to medium companies.
QuickBooks® Accounts Payable System
Gives you the ability to track bills, credits and bill invoice numbers and know actually what your company owes to venders.
QuickBooks® Loan System
Allows you to reconcile the company's loans monthly or annually.